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Certificated Site

Natural England Certification

As an organisation rallying under the terms of paragraph 4 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 you undertake to limit the duration of any exempted rally to a maximum of 28 days on site. In addition, the club has agreed to consult with local authorities regarding sites which are proposed to use.

Under the terms of paragraph 5 of Schedule 1 of the 1960 Act we have agreed to limit the number of caravans on site at any one time and to inform Natural England of any certificates we issue each year.

When rallying under the terms of paragraph 6, we undertake to limit the duration of any exempted rally to a maximum of 5 days on site. In addition, only full members of Norfolk Camping CIC may attend rallies exempted under paragraph 6 of the above Act.

Membership granted in advance of any rally and is be for a longer period than that associated with attendance at only one event. The camping exemption certificate is issued under section 269 of the Public Health Act 1936.

Hunstanton Camping & Glamping

Certification pending by Norfolk Camping CIC to North Coast B&B Cottages & Camping as a camping and caravan site for recreational purposes.

North Norfolk Camping & Glamping

Certification pending by Norfolk Camping CIC to North Norfolk Camping & Glamping as a camping and caravan site for recreational purposes.

Norfolk Coast Path Camping & Glamping

Certification pending by Norfolk Camping CIC to Norfolk Coast Path Camping & Glamping as a camping and caravan site for recreational purposes.

Exemption Certificate

Norfolk camping CIC is a fully certified exempted organisation and have legal powers to licence any piece of land deemed suitable for camping and caravanning to operate as a campsite.

Apply to be a venue

Do you have a field, a waist land and small woodland cops and disappointed making a few hundred pounds of income on the land you own?
Then apply to be a venue either managed yourself if you can spare the time required in the heat of the summer months or simply rent it to use as a managed venue, We will agree to pay you £x thousands and will take good care of your land using for camping/glamping and Caravaning.

We have been awarded certification from Natural England to allow our members and guests of members to enjoy the great outdoors and of course, learn all about the importance to the country code and the keeping to it

A short explanation of our authority:

As a not for profit organization spending profits back into the community for community good and having the constitution of a club we were happy to receive a certification of an exempt organisation which allows us (with a couple of exceptions ) to manager to delegate the management of caravan and campsites in the countryside under our direct or indirect control .

Exempt Organisations are awarded exemption Certificates :

An exemption certificate is an exemption from Planning consent for the local authority and is subject to our own checks of suitability judgment of suitability judged on neighbours comments, Habitats vulnerability, nonsense factors and light /noise /occupancy contamination.  

Legislative context:

The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 grants planning permission for various forms of development as set out in its schedules.  Schedule 2 Part 5 grants planning permission for the change of use of land to caravan sites and recreational campsites.

Class A permits the change of use of land to use as a caravan site for categories of use exempted from the need to hold a caravan site license; in this instance, the Norfolk Camping CIC holds three such exemptions.

  • part 4: exempt organisation can have unlimited caravans and tents on the land they administer 
  • part 5: the exempt organisation give a certificate "certificated site" to a 3rd party to have 5 caravans (motorhomes/caravans, campervans ) and typically 10 tents (1-year licence renewable yearly )
  • part 6: the exempt organisation runs and administers A rally typically for 5 days for unlimited caravans and tents 
The above allows the use of the land as a caravan and camping venue for a 12 month period. 
any use of the above would be based on a caravan code and conduct which can be found here
In any of the exemptions options allowed by exempt organisations,  needs to have a full-time warden to control the usage. 

The legislative background

Exemption certificates are issued under two separate pieces of legislation:
a) For tents (including trailer tents): Under section 269 of the Public Health Act 1936 (“the 1936 Act”) the use of land as a campsite for more than 42 days consecutively or 60 days in total in any 12 consecutive months requires a site licence from the local authority. In addition, the use of land for tented camping for more than 28 days a year normally requires an express grant of planning permission1 . However, members of recreational organisations which hold a camping exemption certificate issued under section 269(6) of the 1936 Act can camp on land without a site licence and without the need to apply for planning permission.

b) For caravans (including motor homes and campervans): For land to be used as a caravan site it must be licensed and planning permission is usually necessary. However, Section 2 of and the First Schedule to the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (“the 1960 Act”) provide exemptions from the need for a site licence or planning permission. Part 5 Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (“the 1995 Order”) permits the use of land as a touring caravan site where a caravan exemption certificate has been issued.

Camping Exemption Certificates 2.1 Camping exemption certificates are intended for recreational organisations that organise camping for their members on sites belonging to them, or on other sites with the landowner’s permission
Camping exemption certificates do not permit caravans, which includes motor homes and campervans, to be involved in camping activities. (See Section 3 of this guide for information on touring caravan exemption certificates.)

a) Paragraph 4: Sites Occupied & Supervised by Exempted Organisations This type of exemption would allow an organisation to occupy a site for the purpose of recreation. Organisations holding this type of exemption have considerable freedoms in arranging and supervising caravan site facilities. They do not require express planning permission or a site licence from a local authority nor is there a limit to their occupation of a site. We therefore expect holders of paragraph 4 exemption certificates to acknowledge that the freedoms they enjoy implicitly carry certain responsibilities. In particular, we have agreed with the major caravan organisations, including The Association of Caravan and Camping Exempted Organisations (ACCEO) that we would expect that an organisation would limit its occupation of a site to no more than 28 days on the site, at any one time. In addition: • A member of the organisation must be appointed to supervise on-site activity. • Organisations must have the legal status to enable them to enter into an agreement with the landowner or manager, which gives them control over the site. • Organisations are expected to consult local planning authorities about sites before they use them. We would normally expect organisations not to use sites to which a Local Authority maintains a valid objection. • Non-members are allowed to attend such rallies.

b) Paragraph 5: Sites Approved by Exempted Organisations Organisations exempted under paragraph 5 may issue certificates (valid for up to one year) for particular sites, stating that the land has been approved by the organisation for the use of its members for the purposes of recreation. These sites are known as “certificated locations” or “certificated sites”. Additionally:
  • No more than 5 caravans can be stationed on a paragraph 5 site at any one time.
  • Before issuing a certificate an exempted organisation is expected to have a system for consulting neighbours and the relevant local licensing authority
  • Organisations which issue certificates are also expected to have systems in place to inspect their sites to check that the terms of the certificate are being observed; and for dealing with any inquiries or complaints from the public about their sites.
  • Certificates are to be issued to the occupiers of the land
  • Each organisation must send details of certificates it has issued to the relevant exemption certificate issuing body.

c) Paragraph 6: Meetings Organised by Exempted Organisations Under this exemption an organisation may use a site for a meeting of its members, lasting not more than 5 days (see Frequently Asked Question Number 14). Additionally:

  • The meeting must be supervised by a member of the organisation appointed for the purpose.
  • Non-members are not permitted to attend such meetings.

Exemption certificates are intended to help encourage and promote the recreational use of the countryside. Their issue is dependent upon organisations meeting the relevant criteria. In return for the considerable freedoms that arise through the issue of an exemption, organisations are expected to ensure their members behave responsibly at all times. Organisations should take adequate steps to minimise the impact of their activities. Noise, road congestion and units overlooking local properties are the complaints most frequently complained about Responsibilities of holding a certificate include the following areas of general good practice: a) an organisation should seek the views of the Local Planning Authority before making arrangements for a Paragraph 4 event (and if in any doubt a Paragraph 6 event), particularly those next to a commercial site, to ensure there are no planning restrictions or other objections to the use of a site, and to consider avoiding those sites if objections are raised; b) organisations should be sensitive to the concerns of local residents who may be affected by frequent or large-scale camping or caravanning activity, and to avoid overuse of popular sites; c) each organisation undertakes, via inclusion in its formal code of conduct, to thoroughly investigate complaints made about the activities of the organisation or its members; d) a named officer of the organisation is made responsible for holding the exemption certificate(s) and making a copy of it available for display and inspection at all events organised under them.

Paragraph 4 – both members and non-members of the organisation are permitted to use the site, provided they all remain under the supervision of the organisation occupying the site;

Paragraph 5 – exempted organisations issue certificates stating that a site has been approved for the use of its members. However, non-members may also use the site, unless there is an agreement between the site owner and the organisation that restricts its use to members only

Paragraph 6 – only for members of the organisation holding the meeting. Membership must have been given in advance of attending meetings and must be for a longer period than that associated with attendance at only one event (usually for a full year). Both the individual and the organisation must enter into a membership agreement with the intention that it is to run its full course (although there may be genuine reasons why an individual does not remain a member for the full term). An arrangement to give prospective members a trial to see what an organisation is like by inviting them to attend a meeting or by granting “temporary” membership is not allowed.

If you are an agricultural plot or forestry plot or whether that is just room for 2 or 3 caravans or 50 tents we would like to work with you to open up the plot to our members under our stewardship several thousand £ could be earned for you to cover the cost of your land management / future rewilding projects
  • information on subject matter
Link to articles of associated (constitution )
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